Big Dreams for DNA!!!

     It's the hope of our team to create a place that brings life change, relationally-driven community groups which will create healthy growth. Most importantly we want to create a place where everyone can come and be a part where true freedom exists. It's not about religion, it's about relationships!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Always be Thankful!!!

Hello everyone!
     As I think about what Thanksgiving truly represents, it allows me to think of about all those people who have been an important part of my life.  First and foremost I am thankful to Jesus Christ since He is the one who allows me to live and be who I am.  I am also grateful for my family and friends.  I know for some of us this is a hard day because it brings back memories of family or friends that we may have lost over the years.  One of the things I do, is to remember all those times we spent together which helps me keep a positive and thankful attitude.  I hope that you remember all those who you are thankful for and let them know, not only today but on a consistent basis.  Have an awesome Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

I am so grateful and thankful for the friends that I have made this year. Luv you Rich and Monika!!!