First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. As I get ready to spend the evening with my family I began to think about what the true meaning of Christmas is and the word, "GIFT" came to mind. So I looked up the word in the dictionary and it is defined as such, "a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present, an offering". My second thought was, "why do we give gifts"? It is an expression of love, gratitude or friendship. How cool is that, not only to receive a gift but also to give a gift to someone. I tried to think back when I got a gift that upon receiving it, rather than opening it; I just put it away never to open it. That's crazy, I have never done such a thing. To not open a gift that someone gave to me out of their love or friendship to me would be foolish. So I started thinking, "what is the perfect gift"? One that will bring peace, love and joy to you, one that will never go out of style, never bore you and always challenge you.
During Christmas we see Santa Claus, watch Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, The Grinch, and shop until we drop, which is great and fun; but if we take just a moment to really think about the real meaning of Christmas our outlook not only during Christmas but also throughout the years to come will be different. The challenge is not the gift itself but it is the challenge of accepting or rejecting the gift that we often struggle with. So what is this perfect gift? It's Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate in a few hours. God gave His son Jesus as a gift to us and He wants us to open this gift.
This Christmas season, will you hope in Him? Will you thirst for Him and Him alone? Will you ask God to give you the greatest Christmas gift imaginable – the gift of an eternity of joy in His presence? Will you choose the gift God has given you and trust Him completely to watch over you?
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